Terms and Conditions

What you need to know

SPARX is a self-help tool for young people (12-19 years) with mild to moderate depression. 8 out of 10 users found SPARX helpful in our first trials.

SPARX is an interactive game-world designed to help young people who are feeling down. It is important that users understand that SPARX is not designed to provide medical advice or diagnosis. Only a doctor or qualified mental health profession can diagnose and treat clinical depression.

If you are concerned about yourself or someone you know. Contact a doctor or a qualified mental health professional. Click here for ideas of where to get help.

Call 111 if you or someone else might be unsafe right now.

Check out our full Terms and Conditions below, and our Privacy Policy here.


These Terms set out your rights and responsibilities when you access and use SPARX, and what you can expect from us. Read them carefully.

Definitions used in these Terms

In these Terms:

  • personal information has the meaning in the Privacy Act 2020 but generally refers to information about an identifiable individual
  • Privacy Policy means our policy on how we collect and use your personal information, available here
  • SPARX means the website and the self-help tool provided at that site
  • ‘we’, ‘our’, and ‘us’ mean Auckland UniServices Ltd
  • ‘website’ and ‘site’ means www.sparx.org.nz and any successor website.

When you use SPARX, you accept these Terms

When you register as a user and/or use SPARX, you show that:

  • you accept these Terms and you agree to follow them
  • we can use your personal information for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree to these Terms, or our use of your personal information, you must not use SPARX.

We can make changes to these Terms

We may change these Terms at any time by updating them on the website. You agree to the Terms that are on the website each time that you use SPARX.

Purpose of SPARX

SPARX is a self-help tool only. We provide the information in this website for information only. SPARX (including the screening test (Mood Quiz) on this website) may help to identify symptoms of depression but cannot give you a medical diagnosis.

Only a doctor or qualified mental health professional can diagnose and treat clinical depression. If you are concerned about yourself or someone you know, contact a doctor or a qualified mental health professional. Click here for ideas of where to get help.

SPARX has been designed for use in New Zealand only.

If you need urgent help, please call 111 or contact a qualified health professional.

Conditions of use

You must keep your password confidential – do not give it to anyone else. This is important to protect the privacy of your personal information, and to ensure that SPARX works properly.

You must use SPARX only for its intended purpose.

You must not attempt to damage or interfere with the way SPARX works.


We provide SPARX for use as a self-help tool only.

We provide the information on the website ‘as is’, and for general information only. Although we have tried to make SPARX as helpful as we can, and we continue to try and improve it based on user experience, we don’t guarantee that everyone will find it helpful or that it is error-free.

We do not accept any legal obligation for:

  • your misuse of SPARX or associated links/resources/tools
  • your being unable to access SPARX (or an earlier version) or associated links/resources/tools
  • If you think we have not delivered SPARX with reasonable care and skill or that SPARX is not suitable for its intended purpose, you may have rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. If SPARX has not met the required consumer guarantees, we will either re-provide you with access to SPARX or refund a payment (if any) that you paid to access SPARX. You may also have a right to other remedies. For more information, see www.consumeraffairs.govt.nz.

Where we are held to have liability to you, and we are able to limit our liability, our maximum liability will be $100.

Ownership of SPARX

SPARX (including the content and software) is owned by Auckland UniServices Ltd. You may use it only for your personal use for its intended purpose.

You must not copy or share SPARX or any of its content with others, except your doctor or other health professional for the purpose of seeking help. You must not adapt APP or any of its content in any way for any purpose.

SPARX is a registered trademark of Auckland UniServices Ltd. Nothing in these Terms allows you to use our names or trademarks, or those of the University of Auckland.

Your access is temporary and not guaranteed

Your access to SPARX could stop or be interrupted without notice. We do not guarantee that SPARX will always be available. We do not guarantee that the version of SPARX you are currently using will stay the same.

We may disable your access at any time if we think you have failed to follow any of these Terms.

Links are for your information only

Where the website contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, we have no control over the content. These links are provided for your information only. We accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.


These Terms are governed by New Zealand law.